Fiche cheval kitten's dream

R5C5plathandicap 65386wolverhampton2800M6620handicap (class 6)11 partantsdépart à 18:15
Non-partants : 4
16alfheimF31p2p0p7p0ptommie jakes4.1/103:04
Elle apprécie le sable de Wolverhampton et elle est en constants progrès. Sur sa lancée.
21dark mysteryH57p3p2p4p3phector crouch2.9/1encolure
Il ne s'est encore jamais distingué à Wolverhampton mais trouve une très belle occasion d'y remédier dans ce lot à sa convenance.
32grand duchess olgaF45p5p2p3p3pdylan hogan7.7/13/4 l
Habituée à batailler sur de plus longues distances, elle a déjà bien couru sur cette piste.
47black smokeH77p3p5p3p1pmason paetel7.1/12 l 1/2
Il n'a pas de marge certes mais cette piste n'a plus aucun secret pour lui.
73vee dancerH9Ah(23)3p1pjordan williams12/1cte tete
4kojinH65p3p1p3p1pcharles bishop4.1/1
Lauréat sur cette piste le 25 octobre, il a trouvé la distance trop longue en dernier lieu et doit pouvoir se racheter.
58trackmanH48p0p5p2p3pjack mitchell9.6/13/4 l
Jugé sur sa deuxième place obtenue cet été à Yarmouth, il peut tirer son épingle du jeu.
65edna e modeF3Ah0h7p4p3pdavid probert33/14 l 1/2
811exceptionalityH37p6p9p8p3pjoey haynes40/117 l
910emperor dreamH30p0p8pkieran o'neill14/14 l
109kitten's dreamH76p0p8p0p6pelle-may croot42/130 l

R5C4plathandicap 2061wolverhampton2800M6620handicap (class 6) 280010 partantsdépart à 17:40
Non-partants : 10
11liberated ladH61p4p2p1p3pjack gilligan5.7/103:07
24virtual hugH63p9p2p4p1pbilly loughnane5/11 l 1/4
33pfingstbergH42p1p3p3pcallum shepherd3.1/11 l 1/2
45anna of saxonyF43p9p8p7prossa ryan8.4/11 l 1/2
58kindgirlF62p5p8p(23)2prob hornby11/16 l 1/2
67casa lunaF56p7p3p6p1phollie doyle7.7/11 l 1/2
79oceana orangeF45h8h7p9p0pmarco ghiani31/13/4 l
82master greyH99p4p9p(23)3plewis edmunds14/13 l 1/2
96fond farewellH58p(23)4p9p1pharry russell19/17 l 1/2
10kitten's dreamH79p6p6p6p0pjoey haynes/1

R5C2plathandicap 7674wolverhampton2800M6620handicap c6 (div ii)9 partantsdépart à 16:30
14bear clawsH8(23)7p5p2p3prob hornby8/103:05
21further measureH74p5p3p8p4pchloe lyons4.4/11/2 l
33stolen encounterH49p3p3p2p2pluke morris5.6/12 l
42twoforthegutterH43p(23)9p3p5pjason hart3.6/12 l 1/2
59kitten's dreamH70p5p7p9p8pandrea pinna36/1encolure
66midnight shimmerH67p2p3p5pliam keniry6.2/11 l 3/4
77gold standardH87p7p3p5p4pbilly loughnane11/11 l 3/4
88nelson riverH99p3p0p7pjack doughty36/11/2 l
95denableH8(23)5h2h3h7hwilliam carson12/112 l

R5C7plathandicap 10754southwell3300M12775handicap (class 6) (div ii)8 partantsdépart à 19:30
11eagle's realmH62p(23)1p1p1pbilly loughnane3.2/103:37
26zephlynH51p3p(23)6p6pjason hart2.8/13/4 l
37young endlessH55p(23)3p7p0psaffie osborne10/12 l 1/2
45crazy crackersH46p(23)6p0p8pelle-may croot26/11 l 3/4
54kiss my faceH73h(23)5p2p5pbrandon wilkie7.1/1tete
63cold henryH53p5p(23)3p4palex jary11/14 l 1/2
78kitten's dreamH79p8p7p(23)8pluke morris26/18 l 1/2
82i'm too tiredH41h(23)3h3h2hlewis edmunds8.8/14 l 1/2

R5C9plathandicap 11399southwell2800M6620handicap (class 6) (5th)11 partantsdépart à 20:30
Non-partants : 7
14king viktorH61p(23)6p(22)ben robinson/103:09
25polar princessF43p(23)3p7p9prossa ryan/1encolure
32smokey maloneH61p(23)4p6p2pdylan hogan/14 l 1/2
49desert questH61p(23)Ah2p4pryan sexton/11/2 l
51eagle oneH6(23)2p0p7p0pliam keniry/11 l 1/4
63rock n roll pinkieF40p(23)7p5p1pmarco ghiani/1cte tete
76martin spiritH70s6p(23)8h7hsean kirrane/11 l 1/4
7molly mischiefF42p(23)5p4plewis edmunds/1
88prince abuH7(23)9p5p2p5pcam hardie/1nez
910kitten's dreamH78p7p(23)8p5pelisha whittington/19 l
911sociologistH90p(23)0p4p0pkieran o'neill/1ex-aequo

R5C7plathandicap 25912southwell3300M7387handicap (class 6)11 partantsdépart à 19:30
Non-partants : 4 - 10
26vintage valleyH4Ah6p0h(22)3handrew mullen/11/2 l
31wannabe braveH44p4p(22)1p3pdaniel muscutt/12 l 1/2
47she's all in goldF6(21)4hTh4h1halistair rawlinson/11/2 l
52sulochanaF69h9h(22)8p2poisin murphy/1cte tete
73kitten's dreamH67p8p1p4p3pdale swift/11 l 1/2
4got brightH55p6p3p(22)2probert havlin/1
111kiss my faceH61p1p1h2pharry russell/103:38
65didtheyleaveuouttoH108h8p(22)9h3hpaul mulrennan/1encolure
89lovers' laneF45p7p2p(22)0pdavid egan/119 l
98dynaliH74h(22)As5s6sjoanna mason/17 l
10huscariF41p4p9p(21)7psaffie osborne/1

R5C4plathandicap 33797wolverhampton2800M10581handicap (class 5) 2800m10 partantsdépart à 18:00
13lady percivalF42p3p7p4p7pfranny norton5.8/103:01
22arabian warriorH55p6p4p1p6pkieran o'neill10/11 l 1/4
35golden keeperM34p4p1p5p4pkevin stott8.1/12 l
48myriadH33p2p1p6p2ppat cosgrave5.5/11 l 1/4
51blow your hornH54p0p7p3p7pstevie donohoe10/1tete
610zillionH86p0p2p5h6hdougie costello54/11 l
74seal of solomonH31p3p4p4p1pp. j. mcdonald5.7/11/2 l
86seeolaF31p4p3p5pcameron noble4.3/1tete
99kitten's dreamH54p3p3p2p1pdale swift15/11 l
107socially shadyH57p3p4p8p5psam james32/11 l 1/2

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